Tie-dye is a term invented in the mid-1960s in the United States for a set of ancient resist-dyeing techniques, and for the products of these processes. The process of tie-dye typically consists of folding, twisting, pleating, or crumpling fabric or a garment and binding with string or rubber bands, followed by application of dye(s). The manipulations of the fabric prior to application of dye are called resists, as they partially or completely prevent the applied dye from coloring the fabric. More sophisticated tie-dyes involve additional steps, including an initial application of dye prior to the resist, multiple sequential dye and resist steps, and the use of other types of resists (stitching, stencils) and discharge.
Vat dyes are most important dyes for dyeing and printing on cotton and cellulosic fibres. They have excellent all round fastness, which includes‐washing, light, perspiration, chlorine and rubbing fastness. Vat dyes are insoluble in water and have to be dissolved in water by using sodium hydroxide and sodium hydrogen sulphite usually at 50 degrees for 15‐20 mins. VAT dyes are classes of dyes that are classified because of the method by which they are applied. It is dying that takes place in a bucket or tank. Although almost all dyeing can be done in a vat. The term vat dye is used to describe a chemical class of dyes that are applied to cellulosic fibre (cotton) using a redox reaction. The vat dyes have high colour fastness, which is uncommon in other dye classes.
School chalk is obtained from the mixture of Plaster of Paris (POP) and calcium carbonate, moulded into shape and dried. It is normally used in schools to write on boards as a means of instruction to students. It is normally advantageous because it does not generate any dust and so, does not pose any health hazard popular body. They are therefore, indispensable items as a daily requirement in homes and schools.

Garri is a fermented creamy yellow, roasted and granular cassava production. It is widely eaten in West and Central Africa and it is a major staple food for majority of the people in the Southern part of Nigeria. Gari is the most widely traded processed cassava product. It is estimated that more than 75 percent of the cassava produced in Africa is processed into gari. As a result, gari prices are often a reliable indication of the demand and supply of cassava. Gari is produced mainly by traditional cassava processors.
It has a moisture content of between 8-10% and has a slightly sour to strongly sour taste. However, Garri like most cassava products is low in protein; hence the fortification with protein from Soybeans to produce Soy-Gari. Soy-Garri is gari fortified with Soybeans and which is abundant in protein in order to improve the protein content of Gari. The incorporation of Soybean protein into Gari will help increase the intake of protein and reduce the prevalence of protein energy malnutrition (PEM) among low income earning families. It is a good basic food that is affordable and can help supply the minimal protein requirements of a balanced diet with improved organoleptic properties.
A detergent is a surfactant or a mixture of surfactants with cleaning properties in dilute solutions. These substances are usually alkyl benzene sulfonates, a family of compounds that are similar to soap but are more soluble in hard water, because the polar sulfonate (of detergents) is less likely than the polar carboxyl (of soap) to bind to calcium and other ions found in hard water. Detergents work because they are amphiphilic - partly hydrophilic (polar) and partly hydrophobic (non-polar). Their dual nature facilitates the mixture of hydrophobic compounds (like oil and grease) with water.
· Powder Detergent falls into four major groups:
· Heavy duty detergents (high and low foaming),
· Light duty detergents,
· Soap powders, and
· Soda products.
The major use of powder detergent is in households for washing clothes and utensils even though there exisst large quantity of industrial users. They are suitable for hand washing and also for machine washing in laundries and dish washers.

Soy flour proteins are useful as raw material in the food industry, in flour and grits, as concentrates and as isolates. Soy flour serves an important function in controlling colour in foods. The flour may decrease or enhance colour, if under natured Soy flour is used as a bleaching agent in bread. Soy flour is used for various preparation of foods and drinks of babies, such as mixing pap for babies and even adults. It can be added to your tea preparation, it can be used in cooking soup and can be mixed with various family meals, and the taste is fantastic and most especially nourishing to the family as its contains a lot of essential nutrients, necessary to keep the family healthy and sound. Soy flour is a complete reservoir of nutrients, especially protein. It aids in protecting the heart against oxidation. As far as soy beans nutritional value is concerned, it serves as an excellent source of essential fatty acid, calcium, magnesium, lecithin, riboflavin, thiamin, fiber, foliate (folic acid) and iron.

Plaster of Paris (POP) is a type of plaster which can be used in art, architecture, building, fireproofing, agriculture, and medical applications. It was named such because the first deposit of gypsum was found in Paris. This plaster is made by calcining gypsum, a process which involves exposing the gypsum to very high temperatures to create calcium sulfate and then grinding it into a fine white powder. When water is added to the powder to make slurry, the slurry can be molded in a variety of ways, and as it sets, a firm matrix is created, creating a solid shape which is also very smooth. In art, plaster of Paris can be used to make sculptures, and test molds for bronze and other metal castings. Plaster can also be used to make molds which will be very dependable while withstanding high temperatures. Plaster of Paris can be used as an architectural feature, as for example in the case of plaster moldings mounted on doorways and window frames. As a building material, Plaster of Paris can be used to increase the fire resistance of a structure. It is often applied as a coating over other construction materials like metal and wood. Doctors have historically used Plaster of Paris to make smooth, hard casts for broken limbs. This material can also be utilized in criminal investigations, with Plaster of Paris being used to make molds of footprints, tire treads, and other markings. Because the plaster will not shrink as it dries, it can be used to create a court-admissible cast as well as a reference which can be used in an investigation.

Soymilk is the base product from which soya-dairy foods are made. Together with its most common derivative tofu, it is the longest-established Soy food products. When we describe soymilk processing, we are primarily referring to Soy milk base, which is the pure Soy milk extracted at the end of the process. Consumer packages of Soy milk drinks and beverages etc are formulated from the base, with other ingredients, to either imitate the taste and functionality of cow milk, or make flavored drinks such as vanilla or chocolate depending on the producers choice coupled with the consumers. Soy milk is a complete reservoir of nutrients, especially protein. It aids in protecting the heart against oxidation. As far as Soy beans nutritional value is concerned, it serves as an excellent source of essential fatty acid, calcium, magnesium, lecithin, riboflavin, thiamin, fiber, foliate (folic acid) and iron. Soymilk is recommended for consumption on daily basis simply because it promotes health fitness.

Palm kernel oil is a type of vegetable oil mainly used in its unrefined state in the manufacture of soap and other food products. It assumes the smell of palm kernel and is colorless in its crude form. Bleaching and deodorization can improve the color and the smell. Though such oil is consumed by some people in the low income group, it is not generally meant for human consumption unless further refined. Palm Kernel Oil (PKO) is the second most consumed lauric acid group oil and it is derived from the dried kernels of the oil palm. Palm Kernel Oil (PKO) is commercially a major source of lauric acid. The lauric oils are highly desirable materials in the Oleo Chemical industry world-wide because of the important of the lauric fraction especially in the manufacture of soap and detergents.
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