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Garri is a fermented creamy yellow, roasted and granular cassava production. It is widely eaten in West and Central Africa and it is a major staple food for majority of the people in the Southern part of Nigeria. Gari is the most widely traded processed cassava product. It is estimated that more than 75 percent of the cassava produced in Africa is processed into gari. As a result, gari prices are often a reliable indication of the demand and supply of cassava. Gari is produced mainly by traditional cassava processors.

It has a moisture content of between 8-10% and has a slightly sour to strongly sour taste. However, Garri like most cassava products is low in protein; hence the fortification with protein from Soybeans to produce Soy-Gari. Soy-Garri is gari fortified with Soybeans and which is abundant in protein in order to improve the protein content of Gari. The incorporation of Soybean protein into Gari will help increase the intake of protein and reduce the prevalence of protein energy malnutrition (PEM) among low income earning families. It is a good basic food that is affordable and can help supply the minimal protein requirements of a balanced diet with improved organoleptic properties.


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