

Custard is a yellow (golden) powdery substance. Custard powder is a flavoured corn starch with added colour and can also be fortified with vitamins or protein to increase the nutritional value. Custard is a good substitute for breakfast cereals such as Quaker-oats, Conflakes, Ogi and other ready-to-serve cereals. Nutritionally, custard is a source of digestible carbohydrate for cheap energy supply and dietary fibre. Custard is obtained in dry form with a shelf life of over one year.


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High Density Biscuit is a kind of biscuit that is produced to serve two purposes viz: refreshment and also to serve as food. This is because it contains a high level of protein, energy and minerals at the same time. These classes of foods are the mostly sought after in the make-up of any food. The lightness of High Density Biscuits make it easy to distribute in times of emergencies which has become  a common occurrence in today’s Nigeria and a very good relief material in the amelioration of food shortages in infants and  school children. UNICEF has identified malnutrition as the cause of more than 50% of infant mortality. 


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A lotion is a low- to medium-viscosity topical preparation intended for application to unbroken skin. Lotions are applied to external skin with bare hands, a clean cloth, cotton wool or gauze Moisturizers prevent and treat dry skin, protect sensitive skin, improve skin tone and texture, and mask imperfections. Naturally occurring skin lipids and sterols, as well as artificial or natural oils, humectants, emollients, lubricants, etc., may be part of the composition of body lotion. They are usually available as commercial products for cosmetic and therapeutic uses. They can be used to prevent the skin from becoming too dry or oily. Lotions also increase the skin’s ability to attract, hold and distribute moisture. 


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Hydrated lime is an organic product that has many beneficial uses. It is a caustic solid substance, white when pure, is obtained by calcining limestone and other forms of calcium carbonates. Pure lime, also called quicklime, is composed basically of Calcium Oxide (CaO). Upon hydration, quicklime liberates large amounts of heat and forms calcium hydroxide, sold commercially as a white powder called slaked lime or hydrated lime. Hydrated lime has become one of the most important industrial minerals because of its chemical and physical properties, as well as its commercial importance and the simplicity in its production. The lime industry produces both quicklime and hydrated lime. There are two types of hydrated lime. High calcium hydrated lime contains approximately 75 percent calcium oxide. Dolomitic hydrated lime contains approximately 45 percent calcium oxide and 30 percent magnesium oxide. Hydrated lime is very alkaline with a pH of 12.4. Large deposits of limestone; the raw material for producing hydrated lime are found abundantly in many parts of Nigeria with varied concentration of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) depending on location. To support the local production, the Federal Institute of Industrial Research, Oshodi (FIIRO) has developed and perfected process technology for the production of hydrated lime with the overall objective to conserve huge foreign exchange expended annually on importation of hydrated lime, stimulate industrial development, promote the utilization of locally available raw materials, create employment and reduce poverty.




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Black Soap is obtained from saponification reaction of fat and alkali.  Various raw materials such as tallow, lard, coconut oil, palm oil, palm kernel oil are used for soap production. It is a popular body washing product with additional advantages over normal toilet soaps; having moisturizing and healing effects on the skin caused by exposure to sun and bacteria or fungi. They are therefore, indispensable items as a daily requirement in homes.  


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Sorghum is a genus of numerous species of grasses, one of which is raised for grain. Sorghum is an important tropical cereal food, feed and fodder crop.The plants are cultivated in warmer climates worldwide. Botanically, sorghum belongs to the Genus Sorghum and Family Gramineae. There are several types of sorghum, including grain sorghums, grass sorghums (for pasture and hay), sweet sorghums (for syrups), and Broomcorn. Among known species the genus, Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench is important. Sorghum flour is used in food products including cookies, porridge and bread. Also, in Nigeria, it is used as swallows, pap food and local alcoholic beverages like burukutu. Apart from having high nutritional and caloric value compared to other cereals (e.g. contains 9% protein); sorghum is used as wheat substitutes in gluten-free recipes and products.




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Tomatoes (Lycopersicon lycopersium) are among the most widely grown fruits in the world. It is usually grown in areas with moderate rainfall of 500 – 750mm.  It is grown largely in China, USA, Italy, Brazil, Egypt, India, Thailand, Nigeria, and Chad. In Nigeria, the fruits are usually consumed as fresh as well as processed products. It is cultivated in many states in Northern Nigeria and the Middle belt. The major production centers includes Kano, Katsina, Jigawa, Kaduna, Niger, Borno, Kebbi and Sokoto.  Tomato is very rich mineral, vitamins, Cabohydrates and proteins. It is one of the widely used versatile vegetable crops. Despite the huge quantity of fresh tomatoes produced in Nigeria, about 50% are lost due to post harvest activities. In addition, the country has been beseeched with a lot of brands of tomato paste such as Tomato-fun, Rosa, Tasty tom, Gino, Vitali, Immaculate, Roma, St. Rita etc; majority of which are made from imported tomato paste and it has been reported that the country imports processed tomato paste to the tunne of 65,509 tones, valued at USD 77.167 million annually. This constitutes a huge drain on the country’s scarce foreign reserve.


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