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Hydrated lime is an organic product that has many beneficial uses. It is a caustic solid substance, white when pure, is obtained by calcining limestone and other forms of calcium carbonates. Pure lime, also called quicklime, is composed basically of Calcium Oxide (CaO). Upon hydration, quicklime liberates large amounts of heat and forms calcium hydroxide, sold commercially as a white powder called slaked lime or hydrated lime. Hydrated lime has become one of the most important industrial minerals because of its chemical and physical properties, as well as its commercial importance and the simplicity in its production. The lime industry produces both quicklime and hydrated lime. There are two types of hydrated lime. High calcium hydrated lime contains approximately 75 percent calcium oxide. Dolomitic hydrated lime contains approximately 45 percent calcium oxide and 30 percent magnesium oxide. Hydrated lime is very alkaline with a pH of 12.4. Large deposits of limestone; the raw material for producing hydrated lime are found abundantly in many parts of Nigeria with varied concentration of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) depending on location. To support the local production, the Federal Institute of Industrial Research, Oshodi (FIIRO) has developed and perfected process technology for the production of hydrated lime with the overall objective to conserve huge foreign exchange expended annually on importation of hydrated lime, stimulate industrial development, promote the utilization of locally available raw materials, create employment and reduce poverty.




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  • Guest - victor

    currently i have over 125tons of freshly made hydrated lime in our warehouse for sale here in Port harcourt at very discounted rate. contact me on 09053154146 to get more info on that.

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