
The Neem tree was a symbol of health. As a Beauty Treatment, the Neem was the mainstay of the herbal beauty tradition. The Neem proved an invaluable source of health, hygiene and beauty that was freely available. Neem Based Shampoo and Hair Care products use the healing properties of Neem to restore healthy hair to those suffering from eczema, psoriasis, acne or dry skin. We get our Neem raw goods from Mauritania, West Africa.
Neem based shampoo can be used in the treatment of dry hair,, dandruff , itching hair, eczema symptoms. It also reduces inflammation, even inflammation produced/caused by Acne. Neem based shampoo promotes rapid hair growth, it helps in conditioning the dry hair and undernorshised hair, it assists in removing hair dandruff and itching from hair, it relieves Eczema symptoms, it keeps hair scalp healthy, it gets rid of head lice and also help to remove residues from hair thereafter making the hair healthier, shinier and stronger.
The use of the fermented beans of African locust bean dates back many centuries. African locust bean is a multipurpose tree that is as highly valued as shea butter tree. Fermented seeds (‘soumbala’, ‘dawadawa’, ‘netetu’) serve primarily as a condiment for seasoning sauces and soups. African locust bean has a reputation for soil improvement; its leaves are applied as green manure. It is also important in apiculture, being a good source of nectar and suitable for the placement of hives. It may serve as a decorative avenue tree. African locust bean is very important in West African culture. It plays a role in all major rituals, including those associated with birth, baptism, circumcision, marriage and death. In northern Nigeria the annual production of seeds is estimated at 200,000 ton. The products of African locust bean are not important in international commercial trade. However, local trade is important in West Africa, especially in the Sahel region, where the dried or fermented seeds are often transported far from the sites of production, often across country borders. The yellowish fruit pulp is very rich in carbohydrates (ca. 80%), which makes it an excellent energy source. The seeds of African locust bean contain anti nutritional factors and have to be processed before use as food or livestock feed. Boiled and fermented seeds contain 35% proteins, 29% lipids, 16% carbohydrates and have good organoleptic properties and a positive effect on intestinal flora. The seeds are good sources of protein, fat and calcium, but contain a non-toxic oil of variable composition.
The Neem tree was a symbol of health. As a Beauty Treatment, the Neem was the mainstay of the herbal beauty tradition. The Neem proved an invaluable source of health, hygiene and beauty that was freely available. The antiseptic properties of Neem leaf extracts helped in controlling pimples and acne. Neem Based cream and Skin Care products use the healing properties of Neem to restore healthy skin to those suffering from eczema, psoriasis, acne or dry skin. We get our Neem raw goods from Mauritania, West Africa. Neem Based cream can be used in the treatment of dry skin, wrinkles, skin ulcers, itching skin, redness of eczema. It also reduces inflammation, even inflammation produced/caused by Acne. Neem lotion can be applied to solve the following skin problems; Acne, scabies, psoriasis, ringworm, preventing infections and ulcers, skin problems in pets.

Egusi colosynthis citrullus lanatus is a West African melon. Agushi, agusi and egushi are other names for this fruit. The melon's flesh is bitter and inedible; only the seeds of the fruit are eaten. Egusi seeds are high in protein and their flavor is said to be close to that of pumpkin seeds. Each seed is oval shaped and whitish in color with a light tan shell. In Nigeria, fermented vegetable protein is use as flavoring agents to soups and sauces. Apart from the strong and pleasing aroma, it also contributes to the protein and essential fatty acid intake. Fermentation of these vegetables proteins is usually done in the moist solid state by random inoculation brought about by various indigeneous species of microorganisms. In Nigeria, some of the commonly used condiments are Ogiri from melon seed, iru from African locust beans, ogiri ugba from African oil beans seed and Dawadawa from soy beans. The proximate composition indicates that ogiri were widely used to give flavor and tastes to food and could contribute to the protein, liquid and mineral daily intake when used liberally as done in several homes where the expensive animal products are a luxury one. The Nigerian Ogiri, prepared with melon seeds, is prepared by most tribes in Nigeria in many different ways. Ogiri is a good source of vitamins, fat and protein enriched dietary. Ogiri mechanization has become necessary and a welcome development in our society because it helps to reduce the laborious stress involved in preparing Ogiri locally. It also help farmers to preserve their produce from rotten since Mellon is highly perishable and required urgent attention and preservative measure.

The Neem tree was a symbol of health. As a Beauty Treatment, the Neem was the mainstay of the herbal beauty tradition. The Neem proved an invaluable source of health, hygiene and beauty that was freely available. The antiseptic properties of Neem leaf extracts helped in controlling pimples and acne. Neem Based lotion and Skin Care products use the healing properties of Neem to restore healthy skin to those suffering from eczema, psoriasis, acne or dry skin. We get our Neem raw goods from Mauritania, West Africa. Neem Based lotion can be used in the treatment of dry skin, wrinkles, skin ulcers, itching skin, redness of eczema. It also reduces inflammation, even inflammation produced/caused by Acne. Neem lotion can be applied to solve the following skin problems; Acne, scabies, psoriasis, ringworm, preventing infections and ulcers, skin problems in pets.
Briquettes are blocks of flammable materials made from wastes of wood or Agricultural products that can be burnt to produce heat to power steam engines and can even be used domestically as a source of heat for cooking in place of firewood and charcoal. . Biomass briquettes are a renewable source of energy and avoid adding fossil carbon to the atmosphere. A popular biomass briquette emerging in developed countries takes a waste produce such as sawdust, compresses it and then extrudes it to make a reconstituted log that can replace firewood. It is a similar process to forming a wood pellet but on a larger scale. There are no binders involved in this process. The natural lignin in the wood binds the particles of wood together to form a solid. Briquettes production has the potential to generate employment opportunities for the teeming number of unemployed youths, a source of income for so many people and even a source of waste to wealth. The raw materials are also readily available as a lot of waste materials from wood and the processing of wood is available all over the country. The production technology is simple and the equipment’s are locally fabricated.
In the olden days, many oils including Shea butter oil were used as body and hair care products. Some of these natural oils are not suitable for they contain unsaturated bonds which make them vulnerable to oxidation, the product(s) thereby after degrading give rise to unpleasant body odour. But today, the situation is different, cosmetics industries had grown in an un-precedent manner. The Federal Institute of Industrial Research, Oshodi (FIIRO) has developed many formulations and technology for production of body and hair pomade. The technology is available to be transferred to would-be investors.
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