
“Ogi” is a fermented product made from maize with a creamy-white colour and a mild sour taste which is traditionally obtained in wet form. It comprises mainly carbohydrate starch (90-95%) with protein, fat, vitamins and minerals composition of about 10%.

Potato Chip (American English) or Crisp (British English) is a thin slice of potato that has been deep fried or baked until crunchy. Potato chips are commonly served as a snack, side dish, or appetizer. Potato chips are a predominant part of the snack food market in Nigeria. A baked potato is more nourishing choice than a fried potato given that starch subjected to high heat cooking forms acrylamide, a potent carcinogen. Potatoes as a world food are second in human consumption only to rice.
Malt is the name given to a seed grain which is subjected to limited germination and dried under specifically controlled conditions of temperature and humidity. It is simply a dried sprout of a seed grain. Sorghum has a better malting characteristics than other cereals like maize, millet and rice. Sorghum malt compares favourably with barley malt. Sorghum malt has found many application especially in brewing and food industries. All breweries now use sorghum malt in production of their alcoholic beverages. Local alcoholic brews such as Burukutu, Pito and Oyika are made from sorghum malts. The non-alcoholic and confectionery industries is another important sector that utilize malted cereals in food formulation.

Sweet potato made into flour, has a high potential for success, as it can be used to replace the expensive wheat flour in baking and confectioneries. Sweet Potato Flour is incredibly versatile and can be used for baked goods, such as breads, cookies, muffins, pancakes and crepes, cakes, and doughnuts. It can also be used in soups, as a thickener for sauces and gravies, and in breading for fish and as well as a stabilizer in the ice-cream industry. It is a raw flour and does not require cooking before use. Sweet potato flour is great at holding moisture in baked goods. Sweet potato flour can add natural sweetness, color, and flavour to processed food products. It can also serve as a source of energy and nutrients and minerals and contributes to the daily nutrient needs for β-carotene, thiamin, iron, vitamin C, and protein. Sweet potato flour provides 14%-28% of the dietary reference intake (DRI) for magnesium and 20-39% for potassium. The flour can be stored for 6 months or more in sealed containers. It can be used as a substitute for wheat flour in the following amounts; 100% in white sauces, 25-50% in cookies, cakes, and 15-20% in breads.
Ginger powder is a powder obtained from dried, milled Ginger root. Ginger is a spice which is used for cooking and is also consumed whole as a delicacy or medicine. It is the underground stem of the ginger plant, Zingiber officinale. Ginger is used extensively as a spice in cuisines throughout the world. Ginger contains up to 3% of an essential oil that causes the fragrance of the spice. The main constituents are sesquiterpenoids with (-)-zingiberene as the main component. Lesser amounts of other sesquiterpenoids (β-sesquiphellandrene, bisabolene and farnesene) and a small monoterpenoid fraction (β-phelladrene, cineol, and citral) have also been identified. The pungent taste of ginger is due to nonvolatile phenylpropanoids (particularly gingerol and zingerone) and diarylheptanoids (gingeroles and shoagoles); the latter are more pungent and form from the former when ginger is dried. Cooking ginger transforms gingerol into zingerone, which is less pungent and has a spicy-sweet aroma

Frozen Yam Chips is a product derived from Yam tubers that are frozen to preserve them before actual preparation/use. Frozen yam is a product that takes off the stress as it is easy to prepare. Frozen Yam Chips when prepared are mostly called French fries. French fries are batons of deep-fried yam. French fries are served hot, either soft or crispy, and generally eaten as part of lunch or dinner, or on their own as a snack, and they commonly appear on the menus of fast food restaurants.

Frozen Potato Chips is a product derived from potato that is frozen to preserve them before actual preparation/use. Frozen Potato Chip is a product that takes off the stress as it is easy to prepare. Frozen Potato Chips when prepared/fried are called French fries. French fries are batons of deep-fried potato. French fries are served hot, either soft or crispy, and generally eaten as part of lunch or dinner, or on their own as a snack, and they commonly appear on the menus of fast food restaurants. French fries are generally salted and are often served with ketchup; in many countries they are topped instead with other condiments or toppings, including vinegar, mayonnaise, or other local specialties. Potatoes as a world food are second in human consumption only to rice.

Instant pounded yam flour is the flour obtained when parboiled yam is dried and milled. The flour is reconstituted in hot water to a mash similar to when boiled yam is pounded manually. IPYF is a more hygienic product with longer shelf-life, processed and devoid of drudgery which is associated with the traditional process.
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