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Palm kernel oil is a type of vegetable oil mainly used in its unrefined state in the manufacture of soap and other food products. It assumes the smell of palm kernel and is colorless in its crude form. Bleaching and deodorization can improve the color and the smell. Though such oil is consumed by some people in the low income group, it is not generally meant for human consumption unless further refined.  Palm Kernel Oil (PKO) is the second most consumed lauric acid group oil  and it is  derived  from  the  dried  kernels  of  the  oil  palm. Palm Kernel Oil (PKO) is commercially a major source of lauric acid. The  lauric  oils  are  highly  desirable  materials  in  the Oleo Chemical  industry  world-wide  because  of  the  important  of  the lauric  fraction  especially  in  the  manufacture  of  soap  and detergents. 


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