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Plaster of Paris (POP) is a type of plaster which can be used in art, architecture, building, fireproofing, agriculture, and medical applications. It was named such because the first deposit of gypsum was found in Paris. This plaster is made by calcining gypsum, a process which involves exposing the gypsum to very high temperatures to create calcium sulfate and then grinding it into a fine white powder. When water is added to the powder to make slurry, the slurry can be molded in a variety of ways, and as it sets, a firm matrix is created, creating a solid shape which is also very smooth. In art, plaster of Paris can be used to make sculptures, and test molds for bronze and other metal castings. Plaster can also be used to make molds which will be very dependable while withstanding high temperatures. Plaster of Paris can be used as an architectural feature, as for example in the case of plaster moldings mounted on doorways and window frames. As a building material, Plaster of Paris can be used to increase the fire resistance of a structure. It is often applied as a coating over other construction materials like metal and wood. Doctors have historically used Plaster of Paris to make smooth, hard casts for broken limbs. This material can also be utilized in criminal investigations, with Plaster of Paris being used to make molds of footprints, tire treads, and other markings. Because the plaster will not shrink as it dries, it can be used to create a court-admissible cast as well as a reference which can be used in an investigation. 


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