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Chemical Composition of Cooked Foods indigenous to Nig Chemical Composition of Cooked Foods indigenous to Nigeria

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A comprehensive data of nutritional contents of cooked foods indigenous to Nigeria and generally consumed by the populace has been developed.  The project assumed a form of importance because such information shall be useful for food science and technology programs, nutritionists, dieticians, researchers and public health workers. Forty-four different dishes were prepared from cereals, roots and tubers of different species covering four geo-political zones in Nigeria.Cereals covered include rice, corn and beans while roots and tubers were cassava, yam, cocoyam, wateryam and sweet potatoes. Proximate parameters analyzed for are Moisture, Protein, Fat, Crude fibre, Ash and Carbohydrate; Calorific value as Gross energy and Essential minerals such asiron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium. Moisture content of cooked samples varied between 60- 90%, fried had 3.92 -44.43 %, carbohydrate content followed moisture with range of 14.85 – 70%. Protein was found to be appreciable in bean dishes and other indigenous dishes which range from 6.29 to 9.09% while all others had protein content less than 4% except roasted corn which had 6.63%. Crude fibre content was found to be higher than 1% in beans and plantain dishes and between 0.24 and 0.98% in all other dishes. Essential minerals were found to be available in all the corn-based dishes while some rice, beans and tubers were deficient in iron, calcium and phosphorus. These dishes are rich in carbohydrate and water, thereby making the fresh foods to have short lifespan and highly perishable except preserved under 4OC.

Created 2016-08-13
Changed 2016-08-13
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Created by Olakunle, Joel
Changed by Olakunle, Joel
Downloads 8