A comprehensive data of nutritional contents of cooked foods indigenous to Nigeria and generally consumed by the populace has been developed. The project assumed a form of importance because

Twenty-three soups and four stews were prepared by indigenes of the zones, recipe standardized and soups analyzed for the essential nutrients. The raw materials used
...The project revolved round production of suitable water sanitizer in portable form from food grade chemicals to use in sanitizing polluted water from river, lagoon, well and other surface sources
...Agro wastes and other solid wastes which are indiscriminately disposed to the environment were converted to valuable product (Activated Carbon).Materials used for the
...Several varieties of plants are known to have oil bearing seeds or fruits but only few are commerciallysignificant.Nigeria
...Food colouring involves the use of any dye, pigment or substance that imparts colour when it is added to food or drink. Colouring matter in foods can be broadly classified into
...Nigeria is the largest producer of cassava root crop in the world but has little or no role in the international trade in cassava and cassava products. This project is aimed at production of
...Extracts of Bryophyllum pinnatum and Chasmanthera dependens which are tropical plants and indigenous Nigerian medicinal plants, is being investigated for the production of topical herbal skin
...Proteases (E.C.3.4), also known as proteolytic enzymes are enzymes that catalyze the breakdown of protein by hydrolyzing peptide bonds existing between two amino acids of a polypeptide chain.
...Amylolytic enzymes, amylase (E.C. and glucoamylase (E.C. were produced by solid state fermentation using Aspergillus niger. The isolate was obtained