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Groundnut is known by many names, including peanut, earthnut, monkey nut and poor man’s nut. Although groundnut is native to South America, it is successfully grown in other parts of the world and has become an important oil seed and food crop in tropical, sub-tropical and warm temperate zones. Most groundnuts are grown in India and China. Nigeria is one of the major groundnut growing countries.  Nigeria and Senegal account for about 45% of total African production. The output of groundnut grown in Nigeria in 2012 was 3,070,000 tonnes and the area covered was 2,420,000 hectares.  Groundnut is rich in oil and protein, and has a high energy value. It can be eaten raw, roasted or cooked and the flour is an ingredient in many foods. Groundnut is important in vegetarian diets because of the protein it contains. It provides 13 different vitamins, especially A, the B group, C and E, along with 26 essential trace minerals, including calcium, iron, zinc and boron, and dietary fiber. Relief agencies supply groundnut pastes to alleviate malnourishment in droughts and famines, particularly in children. Groundnut Paste is a smooth paste made from dry-roasted peanuts, sometimes with added salt or sugar. It is a popular food in Australia, parts of Asia, parts of Europe and North America. The U.S. and China are the world’s leading exporters of Groundnut Paste. It is most commonly served as a sandwich spread and has been traditionally paired with jelly or jam. In South Eastern Nigeria Groundnut Paste is usually served along with garden egg. Groundnut Paste has a lot of Benefits to human being such as, protecting the heart, keep healthy skin, maintain hair health, strengthen the bones and prevent birth defects.


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