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Dr. Gloria Elemo and the Management of FIIRO played host to UNIDO Representative to Nigeria, ECOWAS & Director Regional Office, Mr. Patrick Kormawa, on Monday, April 7, 2014. Mr. Kormawa’s visit was to get him acquainted with the activities of the institute and how both organizations can further work closely together.

The history of UNIDO’s relationship with FIIRO dates back to 1968 through its contributions to the human capital development of the Institute and has metamorphosed over the years to include upgrading the research & development and documentation facilities of FIIRO. The impact of the contributions to human capital development has reflected on the institute’s achievements in R&D over the years and the impact they have made on national development. The capacity to offer training in the area of entrepreneurship has also been enhanced through the certification of in-house trainers on COMFAR 4 Expert training package designed by UNIDO.

Mr. Kormawa identified the current focused areas of UNIDO to include:

1. Poverty reduction through activities centered on inclusive and sustainable development;

2. Human Capacity Building;

3. Renewable Energy for rural & household electrification

4. Environmental Sustainability

He also mentioned that UNIDO’s intervention in Nigeria cuts across promotion of agro industrialization, standardization of process technologies & compliance by industries as well as partnerships on linkages of innovative technologies to industries.

UNIDO according to Mr. Kormawa is currently working with the Federal Government on closing the skills-gap amongst women and youths through the Industrial Training Fund, working with the Federal Ministry of Agriculture to establish Staple Crops Processing Zones across the country, fabrication of turbines in rural areas for power generation, and working with women entrepreneurs. He also identified some areas of collaboration with FIIRO such as Processing Equipment Fabrication, Human Capacity Development, Creating Standards for Equipment manufactured/fabricated in Nigeria.

The highlights of FIIRO’s focused areas for intervention by UNIDO were listed to include:

1. Exploring the use of research extension services to drive the delivery of R&D outputs to a larger number of communities in Nigeria;

2. Upgrading the National Industrial Information Centre in FIIRO which provides documentation & library services for Scientists & Researchers and institutionalizing the mechanism for its sustainability;

3. Providing financial support and other assistance to SMEs that have undergone technology transfer training processes in FIIRO but lack the capacity to acquire the necessary equipment and machinery;

4. Provide support to expose Scientists, Researchers & Engineers in FIIRO to scientific innovations and trends globally;

5. Provide support for Laboratory Infrastructure & state-of-the-art equipment;

6. Linkage with end users of R&D outputs in the industrial sector to promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization at the country level.

A Memorandum of Understanding between the two organizations will be signed to concretize specific areas for further collaboration.

Mr. Kormawa later made a tour of the Food Processing Pilot Plant and FIIRO Bakery where 20% Cassava Bread is produced for a first-hand observation of the facilities. The tour concluded the visit of the UNIDO Representative to FIIRO.

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