Wear is one of the critical failure modes of concern in most engine components especially rotating parts. Super alloys are materials used for
Thestudy was carried out to determine the use of egg yolk substitute (a mixture of evaporated milk and lecithin) and powdered egg yolk

The effect of substituting conventional feed materials with cassava root meal (CRM) and cassava leaf meal {CLM) was investigated. Feeds (F1,

Thestudy assessed the engineering economic studies on the use of gas and steam turbines for electricity generation in Nigeria.

Securidaca langepedunculata (polygalaceae) is ashrubfound growing in Nigeria and some parts of Africa. Several studies support its reported

This study was carried out to isolate and screen poly-extremophilic bacteria that can withstand three harsh conditions of

Thisstudy was conducted to evaluate some post-harvest physical properties of four improved locally grown wheat varieties with the aim

Investigationwas carried on the isolation, screening and optimization of lipalyticBacillus from soil samples obtained from various

Studies were carried out on Pleurotus tuber-regium, a tuberous, edible wild mushroom at 350C, to determine the optimal

The study assessed the impact of strategic technology alliance (STA) on production performance of indigenous oil servicing companies in