The Thermo Electron S-Series atomic absorption spectrophotometer was used to determine the concentrations of Iron, Zinc, Copper, Lead, Chromium and Cadmium in undehulled sesame
The effect of heat treatment on urease activity and protein content of soybeans was investigated in order to ascertain processing adequacy and safety for human consumption, and

Managing engineering assets is a paramount organisational approach to operating, maintaining and upgrading physical asset in a most cost-effective

The study assessed the methods of transfer and extent of utilisation of research and development (R&D) results from research institutes in

Regenerative heat exchanger has often been linked with the use of electrical heating device
encased in metallic housing. However, attempts made by many designers
A major component of an extrusion cooker (also known as extruder) is the electric motor which produces the mechanical power needed to drive the main
This study evaluates the corrosion behaviours of two grades of construction steels, ST60Mn and RST37-2 steels embedded in concrete and
The breaking of coconut at mechanised and commercial scale has not attracted much attention in Nigeria. Physical and engineering properties are
The study was designed to evaluate the research and development (R&D) outputs and innovation outputs in South-western Nigeria and the
The economic viability of the industrial production of tomato-based pulp mixes was determined in this study. Sensitivity analysis was also carried