Gari, made from fermented bitter cassava roots(Manihot esculenta Crantz) was successfullyprocessed from already dried cassava chips at

Three weaning food formulations(A, B and C) were produced by blending varyingproportions of corn, bambara nut, sesame
The removal of heavy metals and organic pollutants from paint effluents using clay mineralswas

An investigation was carried out to determine the necessary parameters and the required information

A feasibility study was carried out on small-scale industrial production of clarified fruit juice using pectinaseenzyme hydrolysis. The process

This study presents an economic assessment of commercial production of 10% cassava –wheat composite flour bread. The
...A B S T R A C T
Some Nigerian indigenous soups were prepared and evaluated chemically for their nutritivecomposition and

The production of oxytetracycline by a mix culture of Streptomyces rimosus and S. vendagensis using cassava peels as solid – state medium was

A total of 128 bacteria were isolated from four different tannery industries, all located inKano State, northern Nigeria.

Wheat gluten was brewed in a micro-brewing trial with a slight modification from the conventional,